Apex Legends Hotfix Seeks to Eliminate Early Leavers in Team Deathmatch
17 Feb 2023

Team Deathmatch was supposed to be one of the highlights of Season 16 of Apex Legends, but it has been underwhelming for many players due to early leavers. As a result, Respawn Entertainment has released a hotfix to remedy the issue and make the mode enjoyable for all players.
Early leavers have been a major problem since the release of Team Deathmatch, dampening its appeal significantly. Numerous players have taken to social media to express their frustrations with how easy it is for opponents to leave when their team begins losing. This ruins the enjoyment for everyone, as it makes for an unfair matchup and slows down the pace of what is intended to be a chaotic LTM. To make matters worse, matches continued even if everyone on one team quit early, further exacerbating player anger towards this issue.
Thankfully, Respawn Entertainment took notice and released a hotfix to tackle this problem head-on. The patch involves new restrictions which prevent teams from leaving mid-game or shortly after they start losing too badly or too quickly; instead, they are required to stay until at least halfway through each round before being allowed leave without any penalties being incurred for them or anyone else on their team. Additionally, those who do try and leave while still within these restrictions will receive harsher punishments than usual such as longer matchmaking times or bans from playing certain game modes altogether.
The patch also includes additional changes intended to improve overall stability in Team Deathmatch mode, such as fixing an issue where some objects would disappear from view after being destroyed and improving performance on lower-end machines. These fixes should help make sure that games run smoothly without any hiccups or crashes.
The introduction of this hotfix is most certainly welcome news among Apex Legends fans who were becoming increasingly frustrated with early leavers ruining their games in Team Deathmatch mode. However, only time will tell whether these changes will eliminate such behavior from online gaming sessions. Nevertheless, this move by Respawn Entertainment shows that they’re committed not only to making sure gameplay remains fair but also that everyone can enjoy themselves regardless of whether they win or lose during each match-up now that there are more appropriate repercussions set into place should someone attempt to ruin others' experiences by leaving prematurely again whenever possible in future rounds.