Tips for The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
04 Jan 2022

This game can be a bit intimidating for players who are not familiar with the game's mechanics. This guide will help you with the basics of the game and give you some tips on how to get through it.
Tip 1: Be Prepared for the Trip
Link is going to have a difficult journey in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. It's going to take him over a dozen hours to complete the game (unless he's really good). It's best if you're prepared for this daunting task.
Tip 2: Buy a Shovel
When he arrives on Koholint Island, Link discovers that it's overrun with monsters. He can fight them with his sword or shield, but the former will wear down his weapon, and the latter will wear down his shield. Luckily, there's another way to defeat monsters.
Tip 3: Get Familiar with the Controls
There are a lot of different things that Link can do in The Legend of Zelda, but you'll only be able to do them if you know your way around the buttons.
Tip 4: Know Your Enemies
It's good to know how your enemies attack and move so you can attack them at the best time, meaning when they're vulnerable. For example, Stalfos skeletons attack with their swords and are vulnerable when they throw their swords and are in midair. Octoroks shoot rocks out of their mouth and are vulnerable when they're reloading.
Tip 5: Always Save Often
In order to progress through the game, you will need to know where you are and where you need to go. Because of this, you will need to use the save feature. The game will force you to save at certain points in the game, but you should try to save often.
When you are in a dungeon, it is a good idea to save before you enter a new room. If you die, you can go back and try to figure out where the enemies came from.
Tip 6: Use Your Shield Effectively
Link's shield is an important part of gameplay. You can use it to deflect certain projectiles and to bump into enemies. It's even used to solve puzzles at times. Before you buy anything with your rupees, buy as many shields as you can. You never know when you might need one.
Tip 7: Learn How to Use Bombs Effectively
In "Link's Awakening," bombs prove to be extremely valuable tools. They can be employed to demolish fragile walls and serve as a means to engage adversaries effectively. When you use a bomb, make sure you are standing at a safe distance. If you're too close to the explosion, you'll be hurt. You can also toss a bomb at an opponent and then quickly move out of the way to avoid taking damage.
The Bottom Line
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is a spectacular game. It has a great item system, great level design, and a great story. Even the controls are pretty good, and by that, I mean they're not that bad. Link's Awakening is an amazing game that is definitely worth your time.
I hope that it has been helpful and that it has given you some insight into what makes Link's Awakening such a great game.